Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Social Networks! The good, the bad, and the ugly.

Before 2008, I could not understand how and where social networks, like Facebook, MySpace, etc, could be helpful or beneficial. Then, I started using it and realized the good part about it, to communicate, connect, collaborate, and more importantly to share.

The Bad thing about these networks is that it could be addicting, and time consuming, especially if you want to follow-up and respect social communication protocols. (Reply back and forth).

The ugly part of these networks is that it could be a hunting ground for child predators and sexual molesters.

The future of these networks will depend on its developers, specifically, the kind of terms, conditions, restrictions, and more importantly, a secure and protected environment were it is safe for all.

PC vs Mac

I have been a PC user for the past fourteen years, and I am still using PCs in my work. However, I started using Macs after registering with Full Sail University last year. There is no win-win in this argument. It is a matter of opinion, preferences, and maybe, it is just what you have to use as part of your business environment.

I still use both Mac & PC, though here are some of the facts, Mac is safer, as fewer attacks targeting it Mac OS X comparing to Windows. Design wise, I think Macs are more appealing and have a futuristic look and feel. Operating system wise, you can install Windows on Mac, but you cannot install Mac OS X on Windows.
I also think that the default programs (iWeb, iPhoto, Garage Band, etc) that come with Macs are better and useful compared to the ones that comes on the PCs.

Frameworks for Possibilities

This chapter talked about a moving and inspiring story. A story of little girl that had chemotherapy and went to school with no hair, and how kids made fun of her and did not play with her, and how the next morning the teacher shaved and changed the whole environment. The next days all students asked their parents to shave their heads too. The teacher had a vision an opportunity to change and managed to create frameworks for possibilities.

In an Economist article, Hamel (1994) stated, “Perhaps the greatest advantage of a vision of the future is that it changes the way companies see their business today. It helps bosses see their firms as a portfolio of resources, and not a collection of independent business units. They can cultivate a view of competition as a way to acquire foresight, as well as simply to expand market share”.

Similarly people around the world look at the United States as the land of opportunity. They know it, heard about it, or read it. For years, regular immigrants have come to the States with only a vision or an idea, and have managed to establish an empire. But the question is why? Is it the freedom that stimulates creative thinking, or competition, or maybe the infinite possibilities available? In his book Zander (2000), “A vision articulates a possibility.”

A vision is not just about a business’s desire for new, future, and potential opportunities and goals, however, it should reflect the desire of all the employees.
Randall (1998) stated in his article, "Enforce" the vision. In other words, put it into practice.


Randall, Iris., & Clarke, Robyn D. (1998) Follow my vision. Black Enterprise, 28(12). Retrieved March 24, 2010, from

Hamel, Gary. (1994) The vision thing. Economist, 332(7879).

Monday, March 15, 2010

Mobile Devices & Education

Newer generations are more flexible and accepting of new technologies. They are digital learners, open to new technologies and have the gift of multitasking, especially when it comes to computers and digital media. However, recently we noticed a movement toward small mobile devices. Laptops have become more like a fixture compared to the use of Cell phones, iPods, Smart Phones, etc. Having said that, when will these devices replace computes in schools? Or will they?

Looking at what iPhone applications and tools can offer, I can simply predict the use of such devices in education, schools, and businesses to enhance learning. Furthermore, I believe that we will witness the appearance of mobile LMS & PLE devices that are more compatible with each other and serve as user friendly cross platforms for people to manage & learn remotely from almost any place. Moreover, businesses that create educational games, calculators, camera, etc realized the advantages of mobile devices. Many of these products were building with wireless capability and come with dynamic IPs. Cell phone, mobile devises, and wireless communication technologies are evolving and invading almost all aspects of our live, and will play its roll in education too. Surviving in this competitive technological world requires flexibility. For me, flexibility means fast, Internet accessible, and practical small wireless devices.

PDF - Perfect Delivery File!

PDF (Portable Document Format) is the perfect format to deliver and exchange files over the Internet. The PDF format was introduced by Adobe in 1993. There are many advantages and features in the format that makes it unique. For me, the best feature is it capability to compress large file size, and more importantly, have the option to choose different settings of compression.

Furthermore, when it comes to security and protecting your content over the Internet, PDF support data encryption
cannot infected by viruses, as well as its ability to assign password or provide users partial control over your files (disable print, save, etc). PDFs are fast, easy to create and view (Free Acrobat Reader), cross platforms, and are capable of saving and embedding an image’s color profiles.

How To Create/Edit PDF Files For Free

Lighting a spark

For me, graphic, animation and web design is more than a profession, but also, it’s a passion. I do not mind read, explore and even talk about these subjects for hours. I reached a point were searching for new upgrades, inventions, tips and tricks has become a hobby. Having said that, in a professional environment, being passionate about your field is one thing, having interpersonal skills and inspiring talents is something else.

In the past few years I had the opportunity to travel to few countries around the world, for business purposes. These opportunities helped me to realize the importance of communication skills, the ability to connect, convey your passions, and more importantly express your view. That was what “Lighting a spark” chapter is about in the “The Art of Possibility” book. Zander (2000) stated in their writing “Certain things in life are better done in person.” Through face-to-face dialogues we can convey ideas and messages, inspiring and motivating each other through establishing channels of trust and openness. In many cases, looking in the eye is what sparks the light, the magic, and the new opportunity.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Why JPEG? Things you need to know!

JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) is the most popular digital image format in the world. However, it is the most misunderstood digital image format. Computer users prefer to use JPEG because it compresses digital graphic so well, and still provide good qualities. The problem is, every time you save a graphic as JPEG, the compression process will throw some data (details) away. So, if you open a JPEG, apply some edit, and resaved the image, you will lose quality, and further degradation will occur, and if you open the image again and resave it again, even more degradation will occur. Therefore, if you must edit an image, then you need to save it in one of the lossless compression format (like Tiffs), apply the necessary edit, and then save it as JPRG. It is important to know that even if you save your graphic (JPEG) in maximum quality, some degradation will occur (Barely noticeable). Also it worth knowing that if you are saving JPEG from Photoshop, you will see no visual differences between the high, very high, and maximum quality settings, however, you will notice big differences in file size. Moreover, if you are using Photoshop to save your JPEGs for your web site, then use the “Save for the web” option as it will give you a smaller file size than using the “Save as” option.

It is important to know that different Raster base graphic applications will compress the JPEGs differently even if you use the same settings. If applicable, blurring a background of a JPEG image will help reduce the file size. Also, if you have to use gradients color, and have the option to choose between vertical or horizontal gradient, the vertical gradient will give you a smaller JPEG file size.


For now, watching TVs and wearing 3D glasses is the ultimate in 3D presentation. However, the rapid development of holography technology is setting the stage for new possibilities and features. Now more than before, the potential of viewing 3D motions in real time is possible. Holography is the process of making holograms using three-dimensional laser techniques. Holograms are 3D graphic images that seem to have depth. Freedman (2002) stated in his article, “A hologram's realism doesn't come merely from its stereoscopic properties; holographic images can be inspected from all angles as the viewer's head moves around them.”

Furthermore, Holographic technology is being used to save and store data. With videos and 3D graphics, gigabytes and terabytes are not enough. This new technology can store way more.
For really large amounts of data, storage capacity is no longer measured in gigabytes, terabytes or petabytes, but rather by the size of the warehouses needed for the discs, cartridges or tapes that carry them. It uses laser beams to store digital data in three dimensions. “Unlike DVDs, which store data in thin layers just beneath the surface of the disc, holographic storage encodes information in three dimensions, within the volume of the disc. This will enable the first holographic discs to store a colossal 300 gigabytes of data--12 times more than the latest Blu-ray discs and 60 times more than a standard DVD” (Economist, 2007).

Moreover, Holographics are being used in many industries, including automobile, airplanes and well as in the military. For example, it has been used in the military to enhance accuracy. An Military & Aerospace Electronics article (2006) describing using new technology by L3 company stated, “The company produces holographic weapon sights for sale to domestic and international military customers, as well as the homeland security and law enforcement markets using advanced laser and holographic technology to enhance optical systems in target acquisition systems” (p. 7).

Military & Aerospace Electronics (2006) L-3 buys electro-optics company. 17(1), 7-7. Retrieved March 9, 2010, from

Economist (2007) Taking storage to the next dimension. 383(8532).
Retrieved March 9, 2010, from

Freedman, David H. (2002) Holograms Motion.Technology Review, 105(9).
Retrieved March 9, 2010, from

Monday, March 8, 2010

Being a contribution

Reading the “Being a contribution” chapter, of The Art of Possibility by Rosamund Stone Zander & Benjamin Zander, was enjoyable and informative with many lessons behind it. A lot of advice, point of views and wisdom is shared in very few pages. In his statement, “Life is revealed as a place to contribute and we as contributors” the author is suggesting that whatever you do in life, and it does not matter what you do, do it for the sake of helping, making a difference, and declaring yourself as a contributor.

As long as time goes on, societies, countries and civilizations are built from contributions. However, many of these contributions come from positive motives, generous actions, and many sacrifices. In many cases, contributions required giving, working, adopting, and facing challenges.

Since the day every one of us was born, the environment around us, culture, school, parents, etc, have shaped and set what is expected from us in this world. Moreover, what is expected from us to contribute to our family, neighborhood, and countries. These expectations will play a big role in shaping and indexing our priorities, and eventually, who we will become. Failing or achieving our goals, and the amount of contributions, will depend on many factors, such as our ability to listen, learn, adopt, be positive, and more importantly, what we are expecting in return.

In his book, Zander (2000) stated, “The Drive to be successful and the fear of failure are, like the head and tail of a coin, inseparably linked, They goaded me on to unusual efforts and caused me, and those around me, considerable suffering. Of course, the surprising thing was that my increasing success did little to lessen the tension”.

The fear of failing is normal, but it should not, and does not mean it’s the end of the world if we fail. We should learn from our mistakes. If we learn from them, it could be a new beginning. Not to be dramatic, but if death is the only undeniable fact we know, and the contribution in our life is the only thing that will stay, and be remembered, why should we fear failing?! We have nothing to lose. As life is getting tougher, being hopeful, optimistic and positive is the key for success, even if you do not get anything in return, you are leaving a good story.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Second Life & Avatar Movie

Eight months ago was the first time I heard about Second Life, and consequently, the first time I heard and learned what Avatar means. At that time, I wasn’t a fan of SL, nor could I understand the learning benefit behind using such an environment. Having said that, I learned how to create presentations in SL, and searched for educational and interesting sites.

However, since the movie Avatar (by James Cameron) started playing in the theater, I started to get questions from friends about SL, as they learned from me before that you can create you own in SL. Moreover, it seems that people are more interested than before in learning about Avatar and the technology behind it.

Recently I read an article (URL below) about one of the leading production designers in the Movie Avatar, and how he depends on Z Brush application to design digital sculptures. After viewing a few samples and a demo of what Z Brush can do, I realized how close and realistic some of them are to reality.

Although I used 3D applications before, like 3D Studio Max, and was impressed by its capabilities, looking at applications like Z Brush software, and watching the Avatar movie, you can sense that this is just the beginning. I believe that the success and popularity of the Avatar movie will create an evolution in 3D applications, 3D virtual reality and 3D environment. How close can we get to these Avatars using such tools?

Web 2.0

Today I am writing about Web 2.0 because it is the solution for my thesis problem. Although we, especially those involved in learning, realize and understand the importance and impact of collaborative tools in enhancing learning, few education systems around the world implement these tools in their own learning (generally speaking).

I do not think that decision makers in third world countries lack the understanding of the importance of Web 2.0 tools, but I think they lack the basic structure to support such tools, such as electricity, hardware, computers, and more importantly, the belief that people can actually learn using the Internet, and not just entertain.

Not long ago, even here in the US, many looked at online schooling as a non-effective method of learning, and consequently viewed online degrees as if uncompleted education. Now the rapid development and innovation of Web 2.0 applications and Internet learning systems have changed the world, and more importantly, changed the way people look at online education.

Giving an A

Giving an A
I enjoyed reading “Giving an A” chapter/practice, as it was very stimulating. As the book stated, an A is not a unit of measurement but it’s a new window of opportunities and possibilities.
An A is given to a student, or to anyone, to show respect and admiration to a job well down, and more importantly, to motivate and inspire that individual to continue and move forward.

Though the stress and anxiety over this measurement, getting an A, will continue as long as it is viewed by most people as the highest success level, getting an A does not always mean that you learned. Most of the time it means that you did the class requirements.
Learners are different in the way they learn and observe. Their goals and expectations are different too. Some want to get an A, while others want to earn an A.

The book stated an example were an instructor tells the students that they will get an A as long as they write a letter placing themselves in the future (a year ahead) and looking back on their accomplishments and milestones and achievements (“Everything must be written in past tense”). Reading the sample letters will show how this simple idea made students more open and creative, fearless, and accepting mistake as they learn from them. More importantly, this simple idea helped stimulate their creative thinking.

I think students should not fear not getting an A. Rather, they should be concerned if they finish a class without learning anything. On the other hand, instructors should emphasize how much students are learning and not the quantities of assignments required. It is a tough balancing act but achievable.