Monday, May 9, 2011

Technology & Communication

I don’t want to list the advantages of technology and its good impact on our lives; however, I do want to talk about the disadvantages and drawbacks, especially when it comes to using technology for communication. Now-a-days we use emails, chat rooms, texting, cell phones, social media sites and other Web 2.0 interfaces on a daily bases to communicate and share information. Although all the above helped shorten the gaps, and built communication bridges with people from around the world for personal and business purposes, it seems like these technologies are playing a big role in weakening our inter personal communication skills and manners, especially when conducting a face to face conversation or interview.

Generally speaking. I believe that these new technological communication methods lead to the deterioration of the new digital generation’s basic skills to carry out basic face to face skills, such as the use of eye contact, a confident tone of voice, active listening, realization of the appropriate amount of personal space and knowing not to ask personal questions, etc. Now-a days, texting, rolling your eyes, playing with your fingernails, wearing headphones, having your mouth full with food while talking to your instructor, mom or colleagues has become the norm.

I don’t know if the lack of being outdoors and sitting with, meeting, and talking face to face with people, or the distraction and the extreme use of electronics, or the schools are not doing their job in teaching the student how to communicate in a respectful manner, but this is a serious issue. Whatever the reason, I believe it is also impacting how we communicate over the Internet. Some routine web sites and social media that I check every now and then, like CNN, BBC, YouTube, Facebook, etc., have begun to expose very impolite comments posted under some of the videos and posts. It was shocking for me! It seems like being rude and using profane words when commenting on some digital posts has become okay on the web.

Where are we heading? Is being polite something from the past? I don’t know why, but sometimes I get the feeling that there are people who look at a person who is polite and view the individual as a weak person, or even an easy target to take advantage of. Sometimes I get the feeling that those who post their impolite comments might think that the meaner their message is, and the crueler their words are, the better his/her message will be conveyed and understood.
Are using respectful words like, thank you, please, appreciate, good morning, nice meeting you, good to hear from you, great, etc. considered old fashioned? Or is it just out of the new digital generation dictionary? Or is it just because some are hiding behind usernames and screen names, but otherwise, when meeting them face-to-face, they are polite?